Saturday, 30 October 2010


At the end of october : yea i got the kent ridge job , it involves teaching english !
Short term goals :
Work - Get a nice pair of work shoes , finish all the papers for holidays , finish the writeup / introduction / marketing material of myself.
Poker - finish reading in this order : easy game 2 by baluga whale , SSNLHE by ed miller , then whatever that is left unread in 2+2 forums.

Having migrated half of the funds from 888poker to pokerstars , i am comfortably playing @ 10 NL

888 poker progress:

PS's a bit up and down but will show when more hands.

Exercise : ran 3 x 3km already , one more 3km for the weekends , weight @ 82 , far from 72 KG but progressing.

Starcraft 2 ( diamond in 3v3 and 4v4) and TF2 is fun , but probably the time on it i will cut back by a lot as more time on it doesn't mean more fun , 1 or 2 sc2 match is enough excitement.

in the long run , will work on side ideas too !

can't wait for zoukout , December holidays !