Monday 22 September 2008

WEek 3

Interesting E invitation i received for my friend's birthday part =o

Visited the Ear Nose Throat specialist today.

Found out that my skin is ultra sensitive , thats probably the cause of my nose inflammation. then going to do a blood test to found out if i am allergic to anything else.

at least the nurse asks if i am paying by 11 B . i was like wtf ? then blushed for her praise of "looking" young . i bet she uses this technique everytime =p

the doc administered local drugs to numb my nose region before inserting a $80 camera into my nose . bleh felt horrible when it reaches my throat.

On the calender this week :

Thursday some prudential board game focus group for $25 =o

Friday : crash nageb's lecture for fun.

the new song is by 彭青 - 我只能爱你

it is a song in 射雕英雄传 (Legend of Condor Heroes). This series not bad one of the funniest 北丐 ever and chio-est 黄容. The fighting scenes are elaborate , the story plot is just nice 。 only thing is that their special powers a bit 夸张 ... but thats the story so oh well

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