Tuesday 11 December 2007

odd weekday post

Was bashing away bleach on my ndsl on my way home from tuition today when i saw this kid leaning towards me staring @ my screen

i switched it off and he looked @ my face with a *why you switch it off look*

so i switched it on again and introduced to him brain age

he look fresh out of nursery but his maths is good for his age!

of cos then i realised later its bcos his sister was whispering the answer to him...

when it was like cck mrt , the mum told them to thank me and they made their way out

an interesting encounter @@

the 10pm show witch yoo hee on channel U is good.
a complex <3 web though.

the main character youxi can't decide between her ex (senior in high sch) or jhonny a chef , but i think she finds herself subconsciously falling for her (Wulong) attendant as even though he seems to be matchmaking jhonny (his headchef @ a place he works part time in) he pours in too much care for her that even his gf shengmei got jealous

the main character ... looks like a 16 year old in a 24 year old body, she should forget her past and work her way towards her future.
jhonny should be more decisive , follow his heart !
that senior should buzz off ! 好马不吃回头草!
shengmei should voice out her insecurity and not let it go
that Wulong should be showing sm with attention , he doesn't know how to draw the line between work and affairs of the heart !

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