Monday 15 June 2009

eat right , stay healthy

Review of BBC , truth about food 4 : dieting tips , nutritional advice(About not getting fat , healthily )

Question 1:
Is it my metabolism?
Metabolism is the energy a person burns , just by being alive
the show monitored 2 participants
the fatter you are , the higher your metabolic rate.
what they found out was that if you are fat , you take in more calories then you use.
if your fat , you just eat too much
Top tip : so eat less lor

Question 2:
What's the most filling ? Fat carbo or protein ?
They got 3 buddies , starve them for 12 hours , then feed 1st :
plain pasta and tomatoes (high carb)
more chicken then pasta (high protein)
rich creamy sauce covers pasta (high fat)
two hours later , they fed them a plate of pizza each.
the high fat meal ate almost the whole pizza , the high carbo ate a bit , the high protein meal barely touched the pizza.
top tip : eat high protein (like lean meat , tofu , skinless chicken , beans , fish) to sustaintiate yourself longer

Question 3:
Can Diary help you absorb less fat ?
they compared 2 sets of testers by making them eat 2 different diet each week. both week's fat content is the same , 1st week came from diary fat , 2nd week comes from normal fat eaten.
then they analyse their waste product.
a 100 % more fat was excreted while on the high calcium dairy diet compared
to the low calcium diet
top tip : eat dairy to excrete more fat , like low fat milk, diet youghurt etc.

Question 4:
Does portion size affect how much we eat ?
the scientist took a cinema of trial movie go-ers and shoved buckets of popcorns to them.
1/2 a group got medium tub of popcorn , the other got large tub (twice the size) and half of each group got stale popcorns.
after the movie was over , the uneaten pop corn was measured.
the more popcorn they were given , the more they ate. same was true.
the larger the portion the more you will eat
toptip : use smaller plates and portion to limit your portion sizes ,

Question 5 :
can keeping track of what we eat make a difference?
they used 30 battle actors , distributed them equally among two different tables and fed them with chickens ( when you eat the chicken , you can see the bones) 1st group got their chicken piled up , 2nd group got their bones removed as they eat. the 2nd group ate 10 % more chicken
top tip : watch what you eat , keep a food diary. it reminds you of what you eat

Question 6 :
can water help fill you up?
fed two teams of drivers driving across a long stretch of desert.
they used distance to illustrate their findings.
they first fed the teams before they filling up a questionaire measuring their hunger levels.
1st group had their solid food + water
2nd group had their solid food + water mashed up into a soup
the 1st group had a higher level of hunger after 90 minutes.
the 2nd group reached the same level of hunger 60 minutes after the 1st.
an Mir scan revealed that the 2nd group's stomach was stretched longer then the 1st
top tip : eat soup it will fill you up for longer. but only when its enriched with food.

Summary + pratical application:
You will look good , feel good , and live longer if you apply the tips

eat less lor
eat high protein (like lean meat , tofu , skinless chicken , beans , fish) to sustaintiate yourself longer
eat dairy to excrete more fat , like low fat milk, diet youghurt etc.
use smaller plates and portion to limit your portion sizes , watch what you eat , keep a food diary. it reminds you of what you eat
eat soup it will fill you up for longer. but only when its enriched with food

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