Wednesday 17 June 2009

Japs are crazily good

Gundam becomes a reality!!!
YouTube Video
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These Japanese never cease to amaze me.
Life-size Gundam so nice
Who wants to be the pilot?!
This can be further enhanced as a war weapon??! xD

More Pictures here :

link from :

Continuation from the previous post , BBC's food series :

The truth about food : Idea to test - every job needs a different diet , what you need to eat to bring out the best in your job.

Question 1 : Are Vegetarians weaker then meat eaters ?
Vegetarians and meat eaters swap diets , with a vegetarians control group.
before they change diet for 2 months , they were tested for their capacity in whatever sports they were in.

the vegetarians were initially repulsed by the idea , the smell , the looks of various meats like pork and duck
question is : will the micro nutrients like creatine iron etc , found in meat improve their performance

For the vegeterian group , no significant improvement in their results.
For the meat eater , did 50 push up as compared to 55 before the test.

Question 2 : Will Omega 3 reduce your stress levels ? (found mainly in fish , like mackeral salmno , tuna , sardines , etc. medium rare tuna steaks.
Test subjects : 10 taxi drivers , fed omega 3 fatty acids 4 times a week.
measure their cortisol(stress) , dhea (anti stress) hormone level in their saliva. and E.c.g to monitor their heart rate.

They plant cameras and used a test subject to see how they react.
intially , then 3 months after their new diet. Stress hormones went down 22 % of the cortisol , Increase in 12 % of the dhea , complemented by their heartrate.

Omega 3 may help you deal better with your stress

Question 3 : Are three meals a day or snacking better for your working day ?
2 groups of fireman
1st group : hearty meal in an hour , meal eaters
2nd group : snackers / grazers , eat a little every 90 minutes.
same amount of calories for both diet.

Less blood rushes to the digestive system for the snackers , so they have more energy. snackers have 25 % higher performance
Snacking an make you productive then eating larger meals , if you snack on healthy food of course.

Question 4 : Why does a high carb diet , keep you going for longer ?
they used sets of twins , subject them to different long endurance sports , one twin to consume low carb(e.g. bacon and eggs) , another to consume high carb .(e.g. cereal bread etc)

1st long endurance bike race , after 2 hours , the low carb team had problem . After 5 hours the high carb team was way ahead of the other team.
after the bike race , they competed for a 3km log race. Once behind , the low carb diet team's gap just widens. The high carb team exhibit a consistent amount of energy throughout the day.

A high carb diet is better for long endurance activities.

Question 5 : Does caffeine give you the mental edge.
tested radio dejays with coffees , one given decaff , another given caff.
Testing their alertness , reaction time , and hand steadiness before and after a week of test.
The guy is expected to experience caffeine withdrawal and recover after a week.

one of the effects of caffeine is to restrict the amount of blood into the brain , so without it initially , a throbbing effect would be felt.
given time , we would function just as well without caffeine.

Caffeine vs decaf , mental edge? no it makes no difference.

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